Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Any Doubts About CBS's Liberal Bias? Hmm?

If you had any doubts about the rampant, blinding liberal bias in control at CBS News, this should pretty much settle the issue.

By now you've heard the reports about the 380 tons of explosives missing from the arms depot in Iraq. The story actually was first published and broadcast almost 18 months ago. The New York Times recycled the story and chose to print it yesterday morning as a kind of "October surprise" aimed at hurting President Bush just days before the election. Thankfully, NBC News had enough journalistic integrity to come forward and say that the weapons were missing when US troops first arrived at the depot on April 10, 2003. They knew this because they had a journalist embedded with those troops.

The missing explosives weren't breaking news as I said, although the NY Times tried to make it seem so. The story came back around because someone, apparently inside the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, has pushed the story to the media again. The last time the weapons were known to be in the bunkers at the depot was nearly four months before the American troops arrived at the complex. They were officially declared missing a matter of days after the troops left, after they reported significantly fewer explosives than expected. So either 380 tons of explosives, needing more than 100 vehicles and dozens of men to move, either disappeared in the four months prior to the American troops' visit, or did so UNNOTICED in the days following. Common sense, coupled with the facts, tells us it had to be the former.

The NY Times chose to run the story ASAP, without vetting it out. Once refuted, they look extremely partisan. It looks worse for CBS now, though.

According to Drudge, CBS planned to hold the story until election night eve. This would allow for maximum possible effect with zero opportunity for the facts to be examined. Let me repeat that. Instead of reporting this so-called story as soon as possible (like the NY Times), CBS News was planning to sit on the story until Monday night, then hit the President with the charges when he would have no opportunity to respond. What the Ney York Times did was reprehensible, but CBS goes beyond that. The news division of CBS was blatantly, unquestionably, unashamedly trying to sabotage the Bush campaign on the eve of the election. More than reprehensible, that should be criminal.