Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Geez... Another One!

This time it was at the Aladdin Casino in Las Vegas, and the idiot entertainer who got political was Linda Ronstadt. You've probably already heard about it. During her performance she dedicated a song to Michael Moore, calling him a "patriot". The audience seemed to disapprove, and chaos ensued. She was escorted from the stage straight to her bus, and told not to return to the Aladdin.

Aladdin president Bill Timmins put it this way, "It was a very ugly scene... [Ronstadt] spoiled a wonderful evening for our guests and we had to do something about it... We live in a city where people come from all over the world to be entertained. We hired Ms. Ronstadt as an entertainer, not as a political activist. Whether you are politically on the left or on the right is not the point. She went up in front of the stage and just let it out. This was not the correct forum for that."

Interestingly enough, Ms. Ronstadt seems something of a hypocrite. In this interview with the Sand Diego Union-Tribune, she speaks about her audience's political views, "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."

Well, Linda, so would we. That's the reason most people wish you celebs would just shut up and sing.

Also during the interview, she offered up this nugget of wisdom about the good ol' USA: "I saw a movie recently about a camel and these people in Mongolia, and I relate to them better than people here in this country. It looks like (Germany's) Weimar Republic to me here."

So the US reminds Ms. Ronstadt of the Weimar Republic...

If I remember my early 20th century history, the Weimar Republic was an attempt at a democratic government, with a bicameral legislature and voting rights for all. It was assaulted by the ultra-liberal left (Communists and their ilk) and the ultra-nationalistic Nazis, who finally destroyed it.

I have to assume Ms. Ronstadt is comparing the current situation in the US with that of Germany, approximatley 1930. If so, logic dictates that she must be comparing the conservative Right in this country to that time period's Nazis.

The Communists then, like so much of the Left today, were ultra-liberal. The Weimar Republic itself was based on equality and fairness, so if she's alluding to that, she's saying that she disapproves of equality and fairness. Hence, she must be inferring that today's government leaders are like the Nazis of the 1930s.

Sorry Linda, but I haven't seen any concentration camps, gas chambers or incinerators for political dissidents. The only propoganda I see spewing forth in this country comes from Michael Moore, MoveOn.org, the Democratic Party, etc. The only restraints I've seen on free speech, expression or press have come from the liberal Left. The only source I see for the dumbing-down, apologizing, individuality-eliminating crap in this country is the Left.

(stepping down from my soapbox now...)