Thursday, February 23, 2006

Liberal Mindlessness In The Great (?) Northwest

This is a week or two old, but in case you missed it...

A student at the University of Washington proposed an on-campus monument honoring one of UW's more famous alums - WWII Marine pilot Greg "Pappy" Boyington. The idea received unusually harsh criticism from the more liberal members of the student senate, who voted to deny the proposal. It wasn't so much the vote as the comments in opposition to the idea that have inflamed people across the country.

Student senator Jill Edwards, according to minutes of the student government's meeting, said she "didn't believe a member of the Marine Corps was an example of the sort of person UW wanted to produce." Ashley Miller, another senator, argued "many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men." Talk radio and Internet blogs ran rampant with these comments, and I'm not going to go down that path. Instead, I wanted to point out some of the other legislation that has been considered by the University of Washington Student Senate...

An Act In Support Of The Flag Salute - Simply supported the Pledge of Allegiance. This was defeated.

A Resolution in Support of National Coming Out Day - Speaks for itself. Passed, naturally.

Supporting the United States Government in its Actions To Fight Terrorism - Again, self-explanatory. And of course, it failed. A similar resolution the next year was never acted on.

A Resolution of Student Unity - To stand united against terrorism. Guess what... failed.

A Resolution In Support of American Service Members - Claim to support the troops without supporting their mission. Passed.

A Resolution in Support of the Use of Diplomacy, Peaceful Mediation, and Consideration for the Interests of the International Community in order to Resolve International Conflict - Tabled.

Resolution Supporting the Protection of Squirrels on the UW Campus - "...formally support inter-animal cooperation of the squirrel population with students." Never acted on.

A Resolution to Support Transgender Rights - Passed.

Resolution Supporting The National Alcohol Consumption Age To Be Decreased - Think most college kids would support that one. But it failed.

A Resolution In Support Of Cake - "WHEREAS, it is important that the members of the Student Senate enjoy the sweet taste of cake..." No kidding. An identical proposal came up again a month later, and again two years later.

A Resolution Calling On Police To Reduce Arms - Apparently the UW Police Department decided to purchase some AR-15 assault rifles in case of emergency situations. This act apparently failed.

A Resolution in Support of a Ban of Partial Birth Abortions - You knew this would fail. And it did.

A Resolution Supporting the Right of Gay and Bisexual Men to Donate Blood - Resolved.

Resolution in Support of Student Rose Bowl Attendance - Prevented teachers and departmetns from punishing students for missing class the day after the 2001 Rose Bowl. Passed.

A Resolution To Increase Student Input In To UWPD Decision Making - Students wanted more input in the decision making, particularly concernign firearms, of the University Police. Passed.

A Resolution Affirming The Right Of The Workers At University Bookstore To Organize - Because campus book stores can be such sweatshops. Passed.

A Resolution to Put Away Violently Malicious Criminals - Failed. Can't do anything to punish those baddies.

A Resolution in Support of the State of Israel - No action taken.

Resolution in support of the troops of the U.S. Armed Forces - No action.

Resolution Advocating for the creation of Resources for Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgender Students, Staff and Faculty - No way this one would not pass.

Resolution in Support of the Equal Application of the Law - To allow individuals with concealed weapon licenses to carry their weapons on campus, but asking them not to. Failed.

Resolution in Support of the Right of Military Recruiters to be Present on Campus - Failed.

Resolution in Support of a University of Washington Nap Room - ??? Passed.

and finally...

A Resolution Calling For Jill Edwards to Apologize For Her Comments - Don't hold your breath. It's been tabled indefinitely.